The Rules

1 - Check in
All guests must check in upon entering the facility.
2 - Accept risks
All climbing is dangerous and there are inherent risks. Climbers and observers must assume the risks of climbing and entering the facility. All climbers, participants, observers, individuals operating a safety system, and anyone proceeding past the check in area must sign (or their parent/guardian must sign) the Waiver, Release of Liability and Assumption of Risks form. All climbers must complete an orientation.
3 - Equipment
Only UIAA-rated equipment manufactured specifically for climbing is allowed. Please use equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. We reserve the right to deny the use of any particular item of gear within the facility. Use any equipment at your own risk. Climbers must wear specifically manufactured climbing shoes.
4 - Adult supervision
Youth under 14 years old must be actively supervised by an authorized adult. Waivers must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. If the parent or guardian will not be present, please bring a photocopy of the adult’s government-issued photo ID for signature verification. No youth under 14 are allowed in the fitness loft unless accompanied by staff or an instructor.
5 - R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
Give people space and respect boundaries and their climbing experience. Don’t take videos of climbers without their permission. Absolutely no violence, stealing, or behavior that endangers others is allowed. Drug and alcohol use is strictly prohibited on the Climb Moab premises. Participating in any Climb Moab activities while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is also strictly prohibited. Any form of sexual harassment, including but not limited to unwanted advances, inappropriate comments, or non-consensual physical contact, will not be tolerated. Climb Moab respects guests and members of all ages, religions, creeds, races, sexualities and gender identities. We ask that our members do the same.
6 - Belaying
All belayers must be certified by Climb Moab and comply with our certification standards. Climbers must clearly communicate formal belay commands and safety checks. Roped climbers must tie in directly to their harness's hard points. No sitting or lying down while belaying.
7 - Bouldering
Topping out on a boulder is not permitted. Sit and gather away from fall zones as a fall can happen at any time. Never stand, sit, or walk in an area where another climber could fall. Always look at the climbing walls around you, especially when walking through the gym, to see where climbers are on the walls. Make wide turns around feature areas. Do not climb above or below other climbers. While we allow spotting, it is a nuanced technique. Please do not attempt without instruction.
8 - Instruction
While we appreciate the gym being a place to form mentoring relationships and learn to climb from friends and family, formal instruction is not allowed in the gym other than that offered by our instructors and staff.
9 - Chalk
Chalk destroys equipment and utilities. Chalk must be kept in a chalk sock. Do your best to keep your chalk in your chalk bag, on your hands, and on the holds. Do not use liquid chalk containing resin as this damages holds.
10 - Business Park rules
No overnight parking is allowed. Do not park in front of anyone’s garage door and follow parking guidelines. Do not loiter anywhere outside of the facility. Please be quiet and respectful of our neighbors. Leave your pet at home. Utah Law prohibits smoking or vaping in all enclosed indoor places that allow public access, or smoking within 25 feet of the entrance, exit, or any open windows or vents of these places.